Who I'm, who I'm not and who I want to be

Tuesday, 1 March 2011

Carnival in Torelló!

The Torelló's Carnival is a very famous one in Catalonia, and there are lots of people around Osona and other places of Catalonia that comes to assist in it. It consist that many carnival floats are decorated in different topics, according to the people who managed the float. Then the people who want to participate in one specific float pay some money to go there. They have the costumes all done and then don't have to worry about nothing, just being on the float during the night.
Then you can go to the Carnival with your friends and dress up yourselves. It's great because all the floats have music, so you can go behind them and dance. After the cavalcade of carnival, there is a disco in the pavilion where all the people go. But I have to say that's a bit stressing and very hot!!!
This year, the Carnival it's very late, because it's this Saturday, but I can't wait to go. It's amazing! And I'll go dress up as a mechanic.

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